All-Party Parliamentary Group calls for ‘more clarity’ on Green Belt housing
The past month has brought a couple of encouraging statements about Green Belt protection from the Government. On March 5, the All-Party Parliamentary Group welcomed the Prime Minister’s March 4 statement reiterating the importance of protecting the Green Belt. However, they expressed concern about possible effects on the Metropolitan Green Belt of the housing targets facing London Boroughs and asked for clearer guidance. You can read the APPG press release here . APPG press rel 5 March 2018
Also, in late February, the Prime Minister wrote a letter of support for her Maidenhead constituents who are protesting a large Green Belt development. She said: ‘As I have previously made clear, I certainly recognise the importance of Green Belt and its protection’. You can read the entire letter here.
Enfield RoadWatch continues to monitor national and regional policy-making as Enfield’s Local Plan revision process progresses.