Enfield RoadWatch Action Group

The numbers tell the truth!

One of our partner organisations, Better Homes Enfield, has been working hard going through all the local plan documents and analysing them for contradictions, errors and omissions.  They have found a lot!  They will be issuing a number of reports over the next few days.

First up – a look at how the council is counting homes on small sites.  They conclude if the homes built on small sites had been properly accounted for, then at least one of the Green Belt areas earmarked for development in the draft Local Plan would almost certainly not need to be developed. Check out the whole report.

Homes built on small sites: Serious discrepancies between the London Plan and Enfield Council’s draft Local Plan

They have also analysed how the Council is considering brownfield sites and found similar problems there.   We have reviewed the council’s draft Local Plan in detail, and it appears that far more homes could be built on brownfield sites than the council claims.  There are two main reasons for this:

  1. Anomalies in the council’s calculations. 
  2. The council has excluded brownfield sites.

Check out the whole report.

Enfield Council’s draft Local Plan undercounts the number of homes that could be built on brownfield sites