Enfield RoadWatch Action Group

Suggested text for Ward Councillors – copy and paste into an email

Individual comments always have more impact and influence, but here is some suggested text to send to your three Ward Councillors.  Please copy and paste the following text into a separate email for each of your three Ward Councillors.  Add the individual Councillor’s name at the beginning and your own name and address at the end.  You can find your Ward Councillors’ details here:  Find your Ward Councillors

Let us know if you get any interesting replies!

Saving the planet starts right here!

Dear Councillor xxx

I am writing to you as a resident of your Ward to state my priorities for Council policy with regard to the Green Belt and environmental protection.  I am aware that the Local Plan is currently being revised and I encourage you to resist any suggestion of Green Belt de-designation.  Growth can be accommodated on previously-developed land as evidenced in the report Space to Build in Enfield.  At the same time, the environmental benefits provided by the Green Belt become ever more important at this time of climate emergency.

In the recent local elections, councils who had or were proposing loss of Green Belt were heavily punished, especially in the southeast.  Public opinion is focused on climate issues and Enfield should set a standard for protecting its green spaces and using growth to regenerate deprived areas.

I’m sure you are aware of the Mayor of London’s response to the recent local plan consultation in which he stated unequivocally that Enfield should not release Green Belt and does not need to conduct a Green Belt Boundary Review. I hope that, as a result, the Council is instead focusing its efforts on masterplanning regeneration areas and building partnerships to improve public transport, which would serve to meet growth targets as well as bringing environmental benefits.

I hope you will take my views into account during any discussions or votes about policy that could have a detrimental impact on either the Green Belt or the environment and that you will be a champion for the Green Belt because of all the environmental, medical, economic, ecological and other benefits it provides to your constituents and all of Enfield’s residents.


