The Draft Local Plan mentions the London National Park City at least 28 times and uses it to justify the release of large areas of Green Belt. Today Daniel Raven-Ellison, founder of the National Park City, and Paul De Zylva, Chair of the National Park City Foundation, wrote to the Council Leader, Nesil Caliskan, all Enfield Councillors, Senior Officers, civic groups and the Mayor’s office asking that the plan be corrected. Here is the full text of the cover email and letter, which need no commentary.
Dear Councillor Caliskan,
I attach a letter about Enfield Council’s misuse of London National Park City as justification for its preferred option in planning policies affecting London’s Green Belt.We look forward to matters being corrected and we are happy to help expedite this by speaking with you and / or your colleagues.I look forward to your reply and to this matter being resolved swiftly to our satisfaction.Regards,Paul de ZylvaChairNational Park City Foundation (NPCF)– the charity behind London National Park CityRegistered charity (No 1173267)
Here is the full text of the letter.