If you miss the 11pm deadline on Monday, May 20 for submitting via The Enfield Society website, you can still send in a representation by email direct to localplan@enfield.gov.uk You will need to send a separate email for each policy or site allocation by midnight on Monday, May 20.
Your submission must include the following information.
Subject: Local Plan Consultation representation
Part A – Personal information: Title, First name, Last name, Address, Post Code, Email address
Part B:
- Full name
- Policy or Site Allocation you are objecting to
- [Type] I do not consider the local plan to be legally compliant or sound.
- Your arguments against the policy or site allocation
- What modifications you consider necessary [can be left blank]
- Whether you do or do not want to take part in the hearing sessions. [Probably No]
- If Yes, then why
End of Representation.