Enfield RoadWatch Action Group

Late consultation submissions direct to the council

If you miss the 11pm deadline on Monday, May 20 for submitting via The Enfield Society website, you can still send in a representation by email direct to localplan@enfield.gov.uk   You will need to send a separate email for each policy or site allocation by midnight on Monday, May 20.

Your submission must include the following information.

Subject:  Local Plan Consultation representation

Part A – Personal information:  Title, First name, Last name, Address, Post Code, Email address

Part B:

  1. Full name
  2. Policy or Site Allocation you are objecting to
  3. [Type] I do not consider the local plan to be legally compliant or sound.
  4. Your arguments against the policy or site allocation
  5. What modifications you consider necessary [can be left blank]
  6. Whether you do or do not want to take part in the hearing sessions.  [Probably No]
  7. If Yes, then why

End of Representation.