Enfield RoadWatch Action Group

Enfield RoadWatch in the news again

Enfield RoadWatch continues to press the case for no loss of Green Belt in the revised Local Plan. On August 16, 2017, the campaign was quoted in the Enfield Independent about the many brownfield alternatives to building on greenfield sites.

The Local Plan process has slowed down because of the local elections coming in May 2018. We understand that the next public consultation will happen immediately after the elections. Until then, Enfield RoadWatch will keep promoting the importance of Green Belt. Look for our stall at the Palmers Green Festival in Broomfield Park on Sunday September 3 and at the Enfield Town and Country Fair in the Town Park on Saturday/ Sunday September 23/24. Volunteers are needed so please let us know if you can help.

You can email us at enfieldroadwatch@gmail.com or through the Contact form.

You can read the news article from the Enfield Independent on August 16th ‘Save our Green Belt’ here.