Enfield RoadWatch Action Group

Enfield RoadWatch Green Belt awareness campaign

Enfield RoadWatch has an awareness campaign running for the rest of February to encourage people to complete the Local Plan consultation and say NO to building on the Green Belt.  This is what we are doing:

  • An ad is running in the Enfield Independent.  You can see the digital version here:  http://edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk/launch.aspx?pbid=e7e5d511-be97-43e8-8288-f7095a2f15e8
  • Some of you will receive a flier through the door explaining the threats to the Green Belt and how you can help.
  • We are stepping up our social media activity on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
  • We are publicising our new Space to Build, Enfield report – compiled with CPRE-London and The Enfield Society.  This report provides evidence that there is enough previously-developed land [brownfield] in Enfield for at least 37,000 homes in areas that need regeneration and better public transport and that building on the Green Belt is the worst possible option for Enfield.
  • And watch for us in The Town by the Market on Saturday, February 23 and in Crews Hill on Sunday, February.  It will be our last push before the February 28 consultation deadline and we’ll be providing information to help people submit a response.

Why are we going to so much effort?  Because it’s really important to tell Enfield Council that the Green Belt is too important and too valued to lose.  Once it’s gone, it’s gone!  We hope that all of it will be protected and preserved for future generations.

Please help us to spread the word!  Together we are stronger!