Please support Enfield RoadWatch Action Group with a donation:
Funds will be used for professional advice and services, event fees, printing and other necessary costs.
By Transfer:
Account name: Enfield RoadWatch
Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-29-77
Account number: 23049183By cheque:
Made payable to ‘Enfield RoadWatch’ and send to:Treasurer
31 Cotswold Way
There are many other ways you can help too:
- Volunteer to help at events, delivering fliers and posters, attending meetings and more. We’ll find you something to do!
- Offer professional expertise such as planning, legal, ecological or social media skills
- Sign up for updates by sending an email to:
- Sign & share our petition. Google Protect Enfield.
- Like us on Facebook: where we post updates and publicise threats further afield.
- Follow us on Instagram:
- Follow us on Twitter
- Share our social media awareness campaigns.
- Visit our website often for updates, news and more in-depth information.
- Email your three Ward Councillors and tell them you don’t want to lose any Green Belt! Google: Your Councillors – Enfield Council to find them.
- Email your London Assembly Rep, Joanne McCartney and ask her to help preserve Enfield’s Green Belt.
- Email your local MP and ask him/her to help. Find your MP and contact information at:
- Make the case for the Green Belt to anyone who will listen.
- Share any other ideas with us.
- Stay in touch!