Enfield RoadWatch Action Group

Please support Enfield RoadWatch Action Group with a donation:

Funds will be used for professional advice and services, event fees, printing and other necessary costs.

By Transfer:
Account name: Enfield RoadWatch
Barclays Bank
Sort code: 20-29-77
Account number: 23049183

By cheque:
Made payable to ‘Enfield RoadWatch’ and send to:

31 Cotswold Way

There are many other ways you can help too:

  1. Volunteer to help at events, delivering fliers and posters, attending meetings and more. We’ll find you something to do!
  2. Offer professional expertise such as planning, legal, ecological or social media skills
  3. Sign up for updates by sending an email to: enfieldroadwatch@gmail.com
  4. Sign & share our petition. Google Change.Change.org Protect Enfield.
  5. Like us on Facebook: facebook.com/enfieldroadwatch where we post updates and publicise threats further afield.
  6. Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enfieldroadwatch/
  7. Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/Save_Green_Belt
  8. Share our social media awareness campaigns.
  9. Visit our website often for updates, news and more in-depth information.
  10. Email your three Ward Councillors and tell them you don’t want to lose any Green Belt! Google: Your Councillors – Enfield Council to find them.
  11. Email your London Assembly Rep, Joanne McCartney and ask her to help preserve Enfield’s Green Belt. joanne.mccartney@london.gov.uk
  12. Email your local MP and ask him/her to help. Find your MP and contact information at:  https://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/mps/
  13. Make the case for the Green Belt to anyone who will listen.
  14. Share any other ideas with us.
  15. Stay in touch!
