Another important Local Plan consultation is under way until February 24. This one is to guage residents’ ideas about a future vision for the Borough. The Council describes the survey as helping to define ‘.. a spatial vision that will set the direction of travel. This will be used as the basis for formulating strategic and detailed policies against which development proposals will be assessed. It involves making important choices about the role Enfield will play in its wider context, what level and type of growth we want to accommodate, and deciding what character Enfield will have in 2039 and beyond.
As with so many consultations, we have concerns about the format and content of the survey. Many of the questions are couched in either/ or terms with no opportunity for nuance or detail. Also we believe that many of the guiding principles that are presented as mutually exclusive are in fact possible in combination. Enfield RoadWatch has therefore elected to respond in an email document, which you can read here for reference when submitting your own response.
We encourage you to respond too, either via the survey, being careful not to agree to proposals that are confusing or contradictory, or via email to The survey can be accessed here.
Enfield RoadWatch continues to monitor the local plan process and we will send out an update when something interesting is happening or action is needed. If you are not yet on our mailing list, please send an email to and we will add your details. Thank you for your continued support.